Capital Area Manufacturing Council Golf Outing to Support Manufacturing Day
Tuesday, August 13, 2024
Welcome to the fourth annual Capital Area Manufacturing Council golf outing, where swings meet networking on the green! Join us for a day of camaraderie and competition, uniting the local manufacturing and business communities. Secure your spot on the leaderboard by registering a team, selecting a sponsorship and encouraging your friends to join.
Fill out the form here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSerAZ7JH8QTgMrMsSZ7Tc5zysdhRtdyvcjsY4tSLJWf_qRj5g/viewform

$550 - one foursome
$650 - one foursome and tee sign
3535 Forest Road
Lansing, MI 48910 United States
9 am refreshments and networking
10 am shotgun start