LRCC Chamber Townhall with Senate Republican Leader Aric Nesbitt and House Republican Leader Matt Hall
Wednesday, May 22, 2024 (8:30 AM - 9:30 AM) (EDT)
The Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce Chamber Townhall program series is a unique opportunity for key business leaders and elected officials/candidates to engage on the issues of the day. This roundtable discussion will provide a platform for key chamber members to connect with, discuss, and hear from elected officials/candidates spanning federal to local levels. In recognition of the pivotal role that the Chamber plays in connecting leaders at all levels of government, we are thrilled to host these exclusive roundtable discussions at the Lansing Regional Chamber of Commerce Insurance Capital Board Room.
Key Chamber Town Hall Highlights
•Exclusive Setting: Limited to 40 members, ensuring a more intimate and engaging conversation with the elected officials/candidates and fellow attendees.
•Flexible Scheduling: We understand the demands on your time and can accommodate your schedule for this important exchange.
•Focused Discussions: An opportunity to address critical issues facing our community and explore collaborative solutions.
•Chamber-Led: The Town Halls will be facilitated by Chamber staff to ensure a productive and insightful exchange.
All our Townhalls are presented by McKinney & Associates
500 E. Michigan Ave., Ste 200
Lansing, MI 48912 United States
Advocacy & Public Policy